====== Software ====== - [[http://bazaar-vcs.org/TortoiseBzr]] tortoise bazaar for windows - http://bazaar-vcs.org ====== User ====== ==== Checkout ==== to checkout, and update the server when commit (like svn) bzr checkout to commit (and push to the remote repository) bzr commit To update a checkout from the remote branch, you don't use bzr pull, but bzr update ==== Branch ==== to get a branch, to update the server (bzr commit, then bzr push) bzr branch to merge from a branch bzr merge To turn a regular branch into a checkout bzr bind to commit bzr commit to push the revision to a mirror branch (this doesnt update the working copy on the server nor create it, but we dont care, if we dont work on the serv, otherwize just bzr update) bzr push to get update your branch from the repository (if your local branch rev is available on the remote repo) bzr pull otherwize merge with the remote repo (and you will be able again to pull) bzr merge ====== Admin ====== to create an empty branch: mkdir branch1 cd branch1 bzr init to create a repo of branch, this save space and time, if we use many branch New branches created under the repository directory will store their revisions in the repository, not in the branch directory. --no-trees option: without working copy for each branch under the repo(a remote repo only) bzr init-repo --no-trees repo bzr init repo/branch1