Table of Contents


  1. browsing: by album, by user, by style, by note, by new track, random
  2. support user
  3. support tagging when uploading (who participate, album, style)
  4. rss with news item added, launch rss.xml as startup file
  5. support comment on track
  6. support playlist creation/zip album
  7. support ranking
  8. a little page with a user description
  9. description for each track and each album
  10. add rss feed and all, tweaked for each user
  11. player could be in an embedded windows
  12. track could be cued
  13. support news and image slideslow?
  14. user page, with track he like, and playlist for his personnal collection, favorite/add to playlist
  15. rate/comment track
  16. support playlist of youtube video !! (one piece, prison break, etc...)

use dogpile to found mp3/video


  1. user can create personal/public playlist
  2. user can add external files


  1. mp3player.swf : loadFile doesnt work properly

Beta Site

poubellebruitale.txt · Last modified: 2007/04/26 12:34 by ctaf
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